In the piece, the argument of string theory critics is given as: ...
A few weeks ago I recorded a podcast with Robinson Erhardt, which has now appeared as String Theory and the Crisis in Physics. We mainly talk about the current situation of string theory in physics ...
We meet on Mondays from 2:40pm to 4pm in room 528 to go over lecture notes in Hyperbolic PDEs and General Relativity and present recent interesting preprints.
Graeme Baker is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Statistics, and his research interests are in probability theory, partial differential equations, and applications of these fields. His ...
Schedule: The class meets once weekly. Topics and readings for each session are listed below. This course is being taught by two senior faculty members who are theorists and practitioners in ...
Welcome to my website! I am a PhD student in Mathematics at Columbia University, advised by Ivan Corwin. I am interested in a variety of topics in probability, combinatorics, and mathematical physics, ...
Here are links to expository articles I have written. There is large variation in their quality and they have generally not been proofread, so use at your own risk!
This fall, I am leading an undergraduate seminar on the history of algebraic geometry. In Summer 2024, I taught Ordinary Differential Equations. In Fall 2023, I taught Calculus II.
Here are Juan's notes on his Lecture 4. Here are Juan's notes on his lecture 5. Here are Juan's notes on his Lecture 6. Here are Juan's notes on his Lecture 7. Here ...