What happened almost a quarter of a century ago in the Barents Sea? The K-141 Kursk submarine was a powerful vessel. If its 155-metre hull were to be placed vertically at the spot where it sank ...
What happened almost a quarter of a century ago in the Barents Sea? The K-141 Kursk Submarine was a powerful vessel. If its ...
A nuclear submarine reputedly unsinkable was called ‘K-141-Kursk’ after the glorious 1943 Kursk battle. On 12 August 2000, the Kursk submarine sank in an accident in the Barents Sea.
Měla délku 155 metrů, čtyři podlaží a přezdívku „zabiják letadlových lodí“. To byla ruská jaderná ponorka K-141 Kursk. Byla považována za nepotopitelnou a odolat měla i přímému zásahu torpédem. V roce ...
Based on a real story, the film recounts the 2000 K-141 Kursk submarine disaster. It tells the story of the Russian nuclear submarine as it's sinking to the bottom of the Barents Sea and the ...
This week marked 24 years since K-141 Kursk sank. And, once again, the word Kursk is filling my despatches from Russia. This time Kursk Region, where Ukrainian troops launched their surprise ...
Během cvičení ruského námořnictva pod vodou explodovala jaderná ponorka K-141 Kursk. Celá záchranná akce se setkala s velkou kontroverzí a podle serveru Moscow Times „se stala jednou z největších ...
The 2000 K-141 Kursk submarine disaster is followed by governmental negligence. As the sailors fight for survival, their families desperately battle political obstacles and impossible odds to save ...
Polská hra KURSK trochu překvapivě nepojednává o obří tankové bitvě u stejnojmenného města, ale o zkáze ponorky. K-141 Kursk se po explozi potopila 12. srpna 2000 v Barentsově moři a katastrofu žádný ...
"What makes my lead character unique is her love, dedication and resolve to restore dignity to herself and her brother" ...
We've made some important changes to our Privacy and Cookies Policy and we want you to know what this means for you and your data. We and our partners use ...