Immune responses influence patient outcome in most cancer types, and the aim of Marianne Quiding-Järbrink's research is to elucidate the role of different T cell populations in CRC and understand how ...
Flera av våra forskare inom litteratur, idéhistoria och religion kommer att medverka under Bokmässan.
Kliniska forskarskolan är ett samarbete mellan Sahlgrenska akademin och Regionalt cancercentrum väst. Den finansieras av Västra sjukvårdsregionen och Cancerfonden. Forskarskolan ger kliniska ...
Projektet är en samverkan mellan företaget Elten som tillverkar skyddsskor till industrin och forskare vid Centrum för hälsa och prestation (CHP) vid Göteborgs universitet. Sensorbaserad mätning av ...
Välj bland alla våra utbildningar i Kurs- och programkatalogen, läs intervjuer med tidigare studenter, eller få tips på vad du göra efter dina studier.
Theoretical Philosophy examines the nature of mind and (external) reality, our knowledge of that reality, as well as different ways of representing and reasoning with that knowledge in language and ...
Our research group studies suicidal behavior over the lifecycle with a special focus on older adults. Our research group studies suicidality and depression during the life course with a special focus ...
Situationen inom socialtjänsten beskrivs av många som särskilt problematisk. Hög arbetsbelastning, stressrelaterad ohälsa och höga ohälsotal kantar arbetslivet på socialkontoren. En grundläggande ...
Offered by the School of Global Studies at Faculty of Social Sciences The course provides introductory knowledge to project management and evaluation in activities relevant to global challenges.
In this course, you will be introduced to a wide range of social science methods as well as to concepts and debates in theory of science. You will learn about both quantitative and qualitative methods ...
This is a master’s thesis course for you that are undertaking a two-year master’s degree in Global Studies, and have taken a course in research design and methods where you have developed a thesis ...
Offered by the School of Global Studies at Faculty of Social Sciences This course consists of a general introduction addressing ontology, epistemology, research ethics, and research design, focusing ...